These days, all I do is work, living in the fray. 📖
I check off my calendar every day. 📅
Sometimes I pause and wonder if you're okay. ❤
Keep shining from the other side. 🌅
I still love you even though you're far away. ❤
- Positive Masters, Poem, 8/10/2019 -
Positive Masters is an e-commerce store at, which provides lifestyle practices, creative writing, apparel, accessories, and fashion to boost your happiness and counter any stress, anxiety, or sadness you may be facing. We offer free shipping for purchases of $50 or more!
Who are we to know what's right? Even as adults we're still trying to figure out our own life. Get ready for the new kids. They'll rise, they'll fall. No matter what, they'll find their way through it all. - Positive Masters, Poem, 5/31/2019 - Every older generation seems to criticize the younger ones. We can guide the younger generations in a positive way, but in the end, the children will choose their own destiny by trying, failing, and succeeding on their interests and passions. We control our own destiny, and influence those coming up. The children are our future. They learn by observing us adults. If we yell and scream all the time, they'll become adults yelling and screaming...