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In a world that can be cruel at any moment, you can make it crueler or better.

You can choose to create life.That's easy.But what's your intent?Not so easy.Unlike suffering, which can be be intentional or unintentional,kindness can only be felt when it's intentional.Compassion and patience take effort.Whereas, anger and impatience are effortless.In a world that can be cruel at any moment,you can make it crueler or better.- Positive Masters, Jon Riki Karamatsu, 9/14/2020 -As I dive deeper into my studies of psychology, philosophy, sociology, mental health, neuroscience, history, and other fields about humans, I came up with this poem. Some humans can be so destructive, yet others can be so loving. On the bright side, throughout history, many people have done amazing things, even finding purpose and happiness under the cruelest and most heartbreaking situations. Be...

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Everlasting Youth is in My Head

Everlasting youth is in my head.A world of fantastical journeysthat exist between the living and the dead.Each story's message is the same.To reach the arc ahead, I must understand my pain. - Positive Masters, Jon Riki Karamatsu, 9/7/2020 -Children are curious, eager to learn, open minded, and imaginative. I strongly believe it's beneficial to have these qualities as adults. Combine them with your life experiences to get creative with your life, career, and business. As a teen or adult, you have the ability to go deep into your soul and analyze the benefits that can come out of your emotional pain. I had all of this in mind when I wrote the poem I posted.Enjoy the Positive Masters universe here at

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Sharing a part of me with you is my medicine.

Sharing a part of me with you is my medicine.It's better than pushing myself to oblivion. There's no meaning when you don't care.So I write my purpose over and over with despair.Everything I was comfortable with is spinning out of sight.Maybe this is my last fight. - Poem, Positive Masters, Jon Riki Karamatsu, 6/27/2020 -I dedicate this poem to you if you're feeling anxious or depressed or are helping a loved one who is. Talking to someone who can understand you can be very beneficial. Psychotherapy or talk therapy can boost you up. ❤Enjoy the Positive Masters universe here at for mindset and business practices, motivational podcasts and writing, and inspirational apparel to boost your happiness and counter any anxiety, sadness,...

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No matter what time, no matter what place, my deepest love for you can always be retraced.

No matter what time, no matter what place,my deepest love for you can always be retraced. The outline of your bare body glowed in the dim light.It was as if you and I had one final night.I understood that nothing is immune from being replaced.So I held you tightly to let you know that that will never be the case.No matter what time, no matter what place,my deepest love for you can always be retraced. - poem, Positive Masters, Jon Riki Karamatsu, 6/18/2020 - Enjoy the +positive masters+ universe here at for mindset and business practices, motivational podcasts and writing, and apparel and accessories with inspirational mantras to boost your happiness and counter any anxiety, sadness, or anger that you may...

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I hold the warmth of your lonely soul - Part 2.

I hold the warmth of your lonely soul. Let your fears go. Let them fly away and dissipate. That's how we'll make our escape. - +positive masters+, Jon Riki Karamatsu, Poem, 6/22/2019 - You can be physically lonely, and you can be mentally lonely. Your fears can control your mind. You may keep them within you because you don't want anyone to see your vulnerability. However, by talking about your fears to someone who is understanding, that person may be able to help you to take the necessary steps to push away your perception of your fears, which are often distorted. Talk therapy or psychotherapy with an understanding person can help you break out of your blown out of proportion...

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