You don't have control over external things that happen to you, adversity or fortune. The only thing you have control over is how you react to it.
Observe how people around you react to good things. This is an easy observation, they're generally pretty happy, or at least pleased.
The true test on their abilities is when things go badly. Do they panic? Do they yell? Do they take out their frustration on others? On the other hand, are they calm and collective? Do they move forward in a constructive way? Do they make others around them feel like everything will be okay?
Which type of experience do you enjoy more? Now take a look at how you react to good things and bad things. How do you behave? How are you making those around you feel? Choose your practice, for it will determine your legacy.
Enjoy the +positive masters+ universe here at for mindset practices, motivational writing, and apparel with inspirational mantras and designs to boost your happiness and counter any stress, anxiety, sadness or anger that you may be facing. ❤️
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