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8: Positive Masters - Study & Work with Me. Cinematic Music. Two 1-Hour Pomodoros.

Welcome to Positive Masters where we develop our mindset and passion projects. In this video, let's study and work together for two 1-hour Pomodoros (study and work sessions). If you're stressed with your job and have a mean boss and demanding clients, pivot yourself by working on your passion projects with me on the side during breaks, after work, and on weekends. Make your passion project into your passion business and get out of a work situation that can ruin your health, mentally and physically. Your life is too valuable to be abused by those who are greedy and lack empathy. Let's crush our passion projects!!! I spent hours combing through cinematic songs that I purchased the licenses for as...

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You don't have control over external things that happen to you, adversity or fortune. The only thing you have control over is how you react to it.

You don't have control over external things that happen to you, adversity or fortune. The only thing you have control over is how you react to it.Observe how people around you react to good things. This is an easy observation, they're generally pretty happy, or at least pleased. The true test on their abilities is when things go badly. Do they panic? Do they yell? Do they take out their frustration on others? On the other hand, are they calm and collective? Do they move forward in a constructive way? Do they make others around them feel like everything will be okay?Which type of experience do you enjoy more? Now take a look at how you react to good things...

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