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Be a student of mental health.

Be a student of mental health. Study your thoughts & emotions. Assess why you think & feel a certain way. Train yourself to be ready for difficult situations with people & events, whether it be death, failure, disagreement, judgment, impatience, etc. These difficulties will come at us sooner or later. The more we exercise our mind on how to best handle life's lemons, the better we become in reinforcing our positive thoughts by our positive actions.โ 


Be a student of mental health. Study your thoughts & emotions. Assess why you think & feel a certain way. Train yourself to be ready for difficult situations with people & events, whether it be death, failure, disagreement, judgment, impatience, etc. These difficulties will come at us sooner or later. The more we exercise our mind on how to best handle life's lemons, the better we become in reinforcing our positive thoughts by our positive actions.โ  ๐Ÿ˜Šโ 
As students of math, we practice numbers, & we still do so in our daily lives in order to make sure we pay our bills & get our returns on investments. As students of English, we are always reading, writing, & speaking, constantly changing & improving our art in communication.โ  ๐Ÿ“–โ 
For mental health, we tell our little children to explain what's bothering them instead of yelling & giving a tantrum. Hello? We adults still give tantrums that are directed at other adults at work & in our personal lives. We need to train our minds to be optimized for its best performance not just when times are good but when times are terrible. Read articles & books about the many practices you can do to maintain a positive mindset. All of us at Positive Masters will also share the practices that work for us. As a community, we can share & help each other to master our inner peace. By doing so, we will better our interactions with others that will spread like wildfire. Together, we can lessen the verbal & physical violence in our world. Yes, world peace is possible.โ  ๐ŸŒŽโ 
Positive Masters is an e-commerce store at that provides lifestyle practices, creative writing, apparel, accessories & fashion to boost your happiness & counter any stress, anxiety, sadness or anger you may be facing. We offer free shipping for purchases of $50 or more! ๐Ÿ›๏ธโ 

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