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You can have a meaningful life through your attitude!

Having a Meaningful Life - Part 3 of 3. ❤You can have meaning in your life through your (1) creativity, (2) experiences, & (3) attitude. ❤Today, we highlight how your attitude has a role in attaining meaning in your life. If you have a positive attitude, you can find meaning in your life even under difficult circumstances. The foundation of this 3-part article is from Dr. Victor Emil Frankl (1905-1997), an Austrian neurologist, psychiatrist, & Holocaust survivor. He was able to have meaning in his life despite going through the horrors of being imprisoned in a Nazi death camp. His father died of illness & his mother, brother, & wife were killed by the Nazis. Dr. Viktor Frankl's tragic optimism focuses on...

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Deep Breathing, a Remedy for Stress, Anxiety, and Anger.

It takes years to build a good reputation, yet, it takes only a moment to destroy it. Our greatest mistakes in life often occur when we're stressed, anxious, or angry. Whenever you feel stressed, anxious, or angry, one remedy you can apply that's really simple to do is deep breathing. As soon as you feel your heart rate picking up, your muscles tightening, and/or your head feeling nauseous, take a deep breath and count to four, then exhale slowly while counting to four. Keep repeating this slow breathing technique until you feel your heart rate normalize, your muscles relax, and clarity return to your mind. Even if you're not stressed, anxious, or angry, try this breathing technique. You'll feel much...

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Creative Writing, a Remedy for Stress, Anxiety, & Sadness.

You're grieving the latest round of loved ones who passed away, a close family member and a dear family friend, both with caring and happy personalities, and both Positive Masters. You're putting out fires fueled by personality clashes in a non-profit organization you're leading that's suppose to promote inner peace. Phone calls and emails get thrown at you from your business partners and vendors, telling you everything that's going wrong. Payments aren't coming in from your clients while your attorney defending you for your driving under the influence case is needing his payment. Oh, and for that driving under influence case, the court threw the book at you for not being a good role model as a politician so you're facing five days...

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