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Quick on actions. Patience on results.

Be quick on your actions. Whenever I have an idea, I start typing it down as soon as possible on my app for notes on my smart phone or laptop. Sometimes I write it down in my notebook. Next, I research and write my plan and strategy. If it looks doable, I execute my actions stated in my plan. I do my best to work on my small goals daily. Over time, these small goals compound, and so does my knowledge, skills, and relationships. If it’s a physical activity, I read up on it and then begin practicing it. If I enjoy the activity, I add it to my arsenal of physical exercises. Have patience on your results. Many successful...

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How to be productive when you're anxious about your problems?

Productivity is something I'm constantly working on. On some days, I'm in the zone. Everything flows. I get amazing ideas! I'm able to figure things out rather smoothly! And importantly, I execute on a significant amount of work! Then, there are those days when my problems overwhelm me, stagnating my ideas, overwhelming my willpower to overcome issues, and slowing my progress on work. To increase my productivity on my challenging days, I do the following, which helps me tremendously: (1) Be present and put aside my fear of what may or may not happen tomorrow; (2) Focus on what I can control; and (3) Work on one thing at a time. Being present keeps me in the moment. I can't see the future, nor can I...

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Play It Safe or Go For Your Vision?

You've got one shot in your life, make the most of your life! The fact that you're born into this world and still alive reading this article, demonstrates how lucky you are. Scientists estimate that the odds of you existing are about 1 in 4 hundred trillion. That's crazy odds! Not only are you lucky, you're a one of a kind with your own personality and way of thinking. This makes you lucky and special!   When I was young, my parents made my two younger sisters and I try many sports and activities. From there, my sisters and I gravitated towards certain sports and community organizations that we enjoyed and had an interest in. My sisters and I continue to do this as...

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