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In a dispute, not everyone will believe the facts. Keep doing what you can, but don't let your stress destroy your health or suck the joy out of your life.

If you're facing a dispute or litigation, all you can do is present your side of what happened. After that, it's up to the trier of fact, whether it be a mediator, arbitrator, judge, or jury. If they side with you, great! However, if they don't, tell yourself that you did what you could. Continue to do what you can, but don't let your stress destroy your health or suck the joy out of your life. My friends, I know it's tough. The truth will always live in you. Your life means a lot to those who love you. With Warmest Aloha,Jon Enjoy the +positive masters+ universe here at for mindset practices, motivational writing, and apparel with inspirational mantras and...

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Nothing is fair. Understanding this will set you free from regret and resentment.

Nothing is fair. Understanding this will set you free from regret and resentment. Why? Because what seems fair for you may not be seen as fair for someone else. ⚖️⁠⁠Look at our careers. What you bring to the table in your business or job will be seen differently by each individual. 🤔⁠⁠The same goes for punishment . Why do you think the judges and juries make widely different decisions in sentencing people for offenses? We all have our own biases and perceptions. That's why a person with a conviction of a violent crime can have a fine while a person convicted of a non-violent crime can go to prison. Us humans, with all our flaws, operate in shades of gray....

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How to be productive when you're anxious about your problems?

Productivity is something I'm constantly working on. On some days, I'm in the zone. Everything flows. I get amazing ideas! I'm able to figure things out rather smoothly! And importantly, I execute on a significant amount of work! Then, there are those days when my problems overwhelm me, stagnating my ideas, overwhelming my willpower to overcome issues, and slowing my progress on work. To increase my productivity on my challenging days, I do the following, which helps me tremendously: (1) Be present and put aside my fear of what may or may not happen tomorrow; (2) Focus on what I can control; and (3) Work on one thing at a time. Being present keeps me in the moment. I can't see the future, nor can I...

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