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Exercise your mind daily to be grateful for all the good things you have in your life!

Exercise your mind daily to be grateful for all the good things you have in your life! Darkness can strike at any time. It can happen gradually or suddenly. No matter what difficulty you're facing, there's always things to be grateful for. 😊For me, gratitude has been one of the most important lifestyle practices. I start my day by being grateful for having an opportunity at life. When I make my breakfast and beverage, I use my dishes and kitchenware with gratitude, many of which were from my loved ones, some who had passed away. My gratitude practice can make my problems look smaller. The key though is to practice it daily with other positive lifestyle practices such as getting...

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The only way to know whether you'll attain your greatest dream that's very difficult to get is by working at it for a very long time and confronting the negativity that comes with the process.

The only way to know whether you'll attain your greatest dream that's very difficult to get is by working at it for a very long time and confronting the negativity that comes with the process.What you want has a high chance of failure, enough to make you very uncomfortable. The process will cost you money and stress on your mental and physical health. It'll require at least 7 years of hard work, meaning thousands and thousands of hours of sweat, both mentally and physically. You'll live on only what you need, spend less time with friends, face negative events and people, and go in and out of darkness facing your demons. Remember, you're expected to fail after all of this....

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The darker I go, the more I grow.

The darker I go, the more I grow.I talk to parts of me I didn't know.Sparks light up everywhere, causing a glow.I'll come back stronger a thousand-fold. - Positive Master, Jon Riki Karamatsu, Poem, 5/26/2019 -I dedicate this poem to all of you going through your challenges. It came to me in my meditation. I greatly appreciate my darkness because it always generates sparks of inspiration, ideas, and plans that I've executed on since I was a kid. Go deep into the depths of darkness and use its energy to create light!!! ✨ ❤With Warmest Aloha, Jon Positive Masters is an e-commerce store at, which provides lifestyle practices, creative writing, apparel, accessories, & fashion to boost your happiness &...

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You can have a meaningful life through your attitude!

Having a Meaningful Life - Part 3 of 3. ❤You can have meaning in your life through your (1) creativity, (2) experiences, & (3) attitude. ❤Today, we highlight how your attitude has a role in attaining meaning in your life. If you have a positive attitude, you can find meaning in your life even under difficult circumstances. The foundation of this 3-part article is from Dr. Victor Emil Frankl (1905-1997), an Austrian neurologist, psychiatrist, & Holocaust survivor. He was able to have meaning in his life despite going through the horrors of being imprisoned in a Nazi death camp. His father died of illness & his mother, brother, & wife were killed by the Nazis. Dr. Viktor Frankl's tragic optimism focuses on...

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You can have meaning in your life through your experiences!

Having a Meaningful Life - Part 2 of 3! 👊You can have meaning in your life through your You can have meaning in your life through your (1) creativity, (2) experiences, and (3) attitude. Let's go over experiences. 😃In addition to your creativity, you can have meaning in your life through your experiences, both good and bad. For instance, when you complete a challenging goal, say running a marathon after a year of training, you feel extremely good! Maybe you spend many months teaching a child math skills. When you see the child solving the math problems, you feel joy! 😊❤ 🤗 Even when you fail at something, you can gain more meaning in your life. Although your failure is...

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