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When times get tough, love yourself more!

When times get tough, love yourself more! ❤️ During times of hardship, having alone time to replenish your energy is important. Activities such as self-reflection, meditation, reading, taking a nice walk outside, listening to a motivating podcast, journaling, drawing, designing, and creative writing can lift your spirit. 😊 My friends, if you're going through a slump, I feel you. There are days, I get up and question myself. "Why do I keep going?" When I restate my personal mission statement, I'm empowered by my "why," so I get up and keep doing my best. Sending positive energy to you! 🙌 With Warmest Aloha,Jon Positive Masters is an e-commerce store at that provides mindset practices, motivational writing, and apparel with...

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Work with people who motivate you to be the best you can be!

Work with people who motivate you to be the best you can be!  Here are 5 qualities of people who are good to work with:(1) A positive person. This is probably the most important because no matter what you do, things will go wrong. Positive people are cool and calm under pressure. Also, positive people always have a strong network because they're so well-liked.(2) A creator. One who has ideas on how to create new products and services or disrupt and existing product or service. (3) A rational optimist. This type of person will shoot for the stars but have the research and strategy to back it up and mitigate the risk.(4) A person who has a stack of skills, a...

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You can have a meaningful life through your attitude!

Having a Meaningful Life - Part 3 of 3. ❤You can have meaning in your life through your (1) creativity, (2) experiences, & (3) attitude. ❤Today, we highlight how your attitude has a role in attaining meaning in your life. If you have a positive attitude, you can find meaning in your life even under difficult circumstances. The foundation of this 3-part article is from Dr. Victor Emil Frankl (1905-1997), an Austrian neurologist, psychiatrist, & Holocaust survivor. He was able to have meaning in his life despite going through the horrors of being imprisoned in a Nazi death camp. His father died of illness & his mother, brother, & wife were killed by the Nazis. Dr. Viktor Frankl's tragic optimism focuses on...

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Deep Breathing, a Remedy for Stress, Anxiety, and Anger.

It takes years to build a good reputation, yet, it takes only a moment to destroy it. Our greatest mistakes in life often occur when we're stressed, anxious, or angry. Whenever you feel stressed, anxious, or angry, one remedy you can apply that's really simple to do is deep breathing. As soon as you feel your heart rate picking up, your muscles tightening, and/or your head feeling nauseous, take a deep breath and count to four, then exhale slowly while counting to four. Keep repeating this slow breathing technique until you feel your heart rate normalize, your muscles relax, and clarity return to your mind. Even if you're not stressed, anxious, or angry, try this breathing technique. You'll feel much...

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Have a Growth Mindset!

Master 7, our mascot and leader of the Positive Masters is the master of positive mindset. Specifically, let's go over growth mindset versus fixed mindset, made famous by psychologist and author Carol S. Dweck, Ph.D., who wrote "Mindset The New Psychology of Success," which you can find at bookstores and Amazon here: . Dr. Dweck is one of the world’s leading researchers in the field of motivation and is the Lewis and Virginia Eaton Professor of Psychology at Stanford University. She has held professorships at Columbia and Harvard Universities, has lectured all over the world, and has been elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. So what is the difference between the two mindsets? People with a growth mindset, achieve expertise...

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