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10: Positive Masters - Mindset Clips - Manage Your Energy

Welcome to Positive Masters where we develop our mindset and passion projects! Every day we have a finite amount of energy that we can allocate to our deep work and deep studies. For me, after I finish writing my morning journal and action plan, I like to dedicate my first power hour to my highest priority. This is usually work that is very important and takes a lot of thinking, reasoning, and/or creativity. My second, third, fourth, and other priorities are scheduled later. I do my best to schedule my light work in the late afternoon when my energy level is lower. Exercise, especially running outdoors gives me a second boost of energy. Since I get tired during the late afternoon...

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The Resistance

Dream for 11/5/2021 I dreamt I was driving a car through a nicer part of a dreary town in the Midwest of the United States. In another scene, I was on a mountain where I met three Native American boys ages 11 to 12 who were wearing traditional outfits worn before the Caucasians forced their culture upon them. They had horses for their transportation. I joined them. We embarked on a quest to fight the resistance, the forces that beat humans down until they submit to the slavery of popular culture. The boys and I quickly became friends. By being with them, the child in me fully returned. I was no longer an adult. Imagination was thriving in me again....

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6: Positive Masters Show - Improve Your Productivity

6: Positive Masters Show - Improve Your Productivity My fellow Positive Makers, in this podcast episode we're going to talk about the following 10 practices that you can use to maximize your productivity for your passion projects: 1. Have a daily action plan; 2. Prioritize your goals; 3. Count your wins and make it a game; 4. Time your work; 5. Make your environment fun and productive; 6. Read books and articles on how to improve your mindset; 7. Power yourself through your purpose; 8. Produce more than you consume; 9. Produce dopamine by pursuing your purpose; and 10. Take breaks and rest. If you haven't already, please subscribe to our podcast show on Positive Masters' YouTube channel, Spotify, Apple...

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9: Positive Masters - Mindset Clips - Daily Action Plan & Managing Your Expectations

Welcome to Positive Masters where we develop our mindset and passion projects. For the first half of this mindset clip, I give more details on the importance of having a daily action plan. In the second half, I emphasize the importance of managing your expectations on when your work can be achieved. By doing your best to do the work and understand the process from A to Z, you get a better idea of how much time and effort it takes to get certain type of work done. This understanding makes you kinder to yourself when you are doing the work or more empathetic when others are doing the work. Enjoy Positive Masters' blog, podcast, videos, and products here at

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12: Positive Masters - Study & Work with Me

Welcome to Positive Masters where we develop our mindset and passion projects. In this video, let's study and work together for a 1-hour Pomodoro (study and work session) with the sound of calm lapping water in the background.   In the intro, I talk about the value of writing a daily action plan. By writing down your plan and executing it, you can predict your future for the day ahead of you. Not everything you predict you can do will happen because you and all humans often believe you can achieve more than is possible. You will see this happening very often in your productivity system. Therefore, when you ask others to do work, have empathy and understanding on the...

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