After a 5-mile run in my cozy neighborhood in Hawaii, I saw these stones with heartwarming messages placed under our mailboxes. ð  The white stone says, "Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times if only one remembers to turn on the light." "Live Love Laugh" is written on the two pink stones. The purple stone says, "love."  Thank you to whoever or those who wrote this. It really touched me. I'm sure my neighbors loved them too. † With Warmest Aloha,  Jon +positive masters+   Enjoy the +positive masters+ universe here at for mindset practices, motivational writing, business development strategies, and inspirational apparel to boost your happiness and counter any anxiety,...
A key trait that successful people have is resilience. No matter how much they fail, they keep learning, growing, and evolving. Over time, they get their small wins here and there, and then they get those big wins. While working on your goals, the struggle can be tough, but the rewards can be great. All it takes is one big win that can change your life! Wishing you the best in all your endeavors. Pictured is our Resilience Mantra Dark Unisex Hoodie in heather navy color to encourage you to be resilient to the challenges that come your way! You can purchase this hoodie and other motivational products for yourself or as gifts for others in our online store here:Â
Gratitude is a powerful practice that can protect you from external negativity and your own internal distorted darkness. By expressing your gratitude from the moment you wake up, you can jumpstart your day on the right foot. Continue expressing your gratitude throughout the day for the many good things you experience, whether small or big. By strengthening your gratitude muscle, you'll remain strong when you come across negative events and people. In future posts, I'll share the various ways I express my thanks.
Enjoy the +positive masters+ universe here at for mindset practices, motivational writing, business development strategies, and inspirational apparel to boost your happiness and counter any anxiety, sadness, or anger you may be facing.
The highest calling for a human is to live a virtuous life. One can reach this way of life through mindset practices, psychology, philosophy, and/or religion. There is no single right way to reach a virtuous life. All that matters is that one is able to reach it. To be virtuous or morally excellent, one is compassionate, empathic, patient, and loving, among many other great qualities. Virtuous people handle adversity in a calm and collected way because of their heightened awareness of their every thought and every action. We can attain this by holding ourselves accountable, not because of fear of any repercussion, but because it is the right way to live. By working on ourselves daily, we can maintain...
You don't have control over external things that happen to you, adversity or fortune. The only thing you have control over is how you react to it.Observe how people around you react to good things. This is an easy observation, they're generally pretty happy, or at least pleased. The true test on their abilities is when things go badly. Do they panic? Do they yell? Do they take out their frustration on others? On the other hand, are they calm and collective? Do they move forward in a constructive way? Do they make others around them feel like everything will be okay?Which type of experience do you enjoy more? Now take a look at how you react to good things...