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2: Positive Masters Show Podcast - Having a passion project that involves fitness is key to keeping you healthy.

2: Positive Masters Show - Having a passion project that involves fitness is key to keeping you healthy This is a clip from Episode 2 of the Positive Masters Show - How Working on Your Passion Projects Can Increase Your Joy and Purpose! Feel free to subscribe to our Positive Masters Youtube Channel and our podcast on your favorite podcast platform! Enjoy the +positive masters+ universe here at for mindset and business practices, motivational podcasts and writing, and apparel and accessories with inspirational mantras to boost your happiness and counter any anxiety, sadness, or anger that you may be facing. Stay tuned, in the future, we will be offering online courses to strengthen your mindset and to turn your...

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Kill your enemies with kindness.

Kill your enemies with kindness. This is a cliché, but it's extremely powerful and very successful in the long-run, as shown by the Positive Masters before us such as Siddhārtha Gautama (Buddha), Mahatma Gandhi (Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi), and Martin Luther King Jr. Their nonviolence practices have amassed multi-millions of nonviolence practitioners. You can expand peace in our world by your actions. If you grew up in a verbally and physically abusive family, you can end the cycle of violence with yourself so your children don't continue it. When someone yells at you at work, you can remain calm and professional. By doing so, that person will look like a fool. Those observing the event will see two styles of leadership....

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Don't blow things up out of proportion or minimize them.

Cognitive Distortions - Part 6 Don't blow things up out of proportion or minimize them. When you fail, don't exaggerate your errors and imperfections. Don't blow them up way out of proportion because doing so will cause you unnecessary grief. Everyone makes mistakes. Failure plays a huge role in your learning process; however, you may fear it as you get older. Constantly remind yourself that failure is part of your growth. If you fall down, you can get back up again stronger by learning from your mistakes. When you tried to walk as baby, you would fall down often, sometimes getting injured; yet, you kept getting up and trying again until walking became second nature. Products, services, and philosophical and scientific...

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