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Every day, take notes on the thoughts that go through your mind. This mindful practice can help you push away your negative, distortive thoughts about your past and future.

Every day, take notes on the thoughts that go through your mind. This mindful practice can help you push away your negative, distortive thoughts about your past and future. With a clearer mind, you can fill it up with the things that you are grateful for and strategies that you can can execute on to move forward in your personal life and career. If you have a smart phone with you, this is very doable. Use a note-taking app and write your thoughts down. Personally, I really like using Google Keep. If you don't have a smart phone, carry a little notepad and pen with you so you can write your thoughts down. At the end of the day, review your...

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Don't assume responsibility for something you're not responsible for.

Cognitive Distortions 10 - Don't assume responsibility for something you're not responsible for. For example, you have a friend who is abusive towards his girlfriend, so you have a talk with him on ways to resolve an issue without resorting to violence. After a number of heart-to-heart talks, your friend hits his girlfriend again. This crushes you, and you tell yourself, "I must be a bad friend." No, you did the best you could to reach out to your friend to change his behavior, but he didn't. What your friend ultimately does, is his responsibility, not yours. Maybe you're helping your little cousin to do her homework. However, she still doesn't complete her homework. Don't put blame on yourself. You...

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Write down all the good things that happened in your day.

Write down all the good things that happened in your day. By doing this, you'll get boosts of good feelings. This daily practice also reminds you of all the wonderful things in your life. Enjoy the +positive masters+ universe here at for mindset practices, motivational writing, and apparel with inspirational mantras and designs to boost your happiness and counter any stress, anxiety, sadness, or anger that you may be facing.

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